[GRASS-user] Tips for setting up an new FOSS-GEO-linux-box

Nikos Alexandris nikos.alexandris at felis.uni-freiburg.de
Sat Nov 1 22:58:32 EDT 2008

On Wed, 2008-10-29 at 15:08 +0100, Nikos Alexandris wrote:
> P.S. Maybe we can add a new wiki-page if something useful comes out of
> this thread. Or maybe not... :-)

I whink an new page in http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Main_Page is better
than in the GRASS-wiki.

What do you think for "Tips for setting up a Linux Operating System /
GIS Workstation" as a title? Since I am "forced" to speak greeklish very
frequently some language check is never bad to have.

If I am not wrong, the title is not possible to modify in a wiki (?), so
it's better to define it correctly

Thank you, Nikos

P.S. Anyway, here is an initial idea for the structure

Operating System/ Distribution
Are there any advantages to choose a specific linux distribution?

Which filesystem is better(=safer/faster)?

* According to some benchmarks [1] the XFS filesystem seems to perform
an overall highscore.

Partitions / Organisation

1. Geospatial data
* Keep your geospatial data in a separate partition

* Even further, using another hard disk drive than the main (the one in
which the operating system is installed) to save the GIS database, will
help... (Dylan, did I get this right, placing the data in another
partition on another hard disk than the "main hd", secures the resources
from being consumed 100% which the machine to crawl when under heavy
gis-processing... ?)

* Easy data exporting/sharing and multi-user access can be achieved
using NFS

2. Free Open Source Geospatial Applications (Software)
Where do you keep source codes?
* All in one directory
(+++add more)

How often do you back up your data?
How do you back up your data?
* simple method: tar cjvf
* syncing method: using rsync

Other important issues
(+++add more)

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