[GRASS-user] flip raster

Glynn Clements glynn at gclements.plus.com
Mon Oct 6 20:37:34 EDT 2008

José María Michia wrote:

> I've imported a NetCDF file (ETOPO1 model). The resulted raster appears
> flipped vertically. How can I fix this? I try with mapcalc, without success:
> - neighborhood modifier: not accept computations in offset parameter, like
> map[0,total_rows-row()]
> - I dont know how to query map in arbitrary coordinates, like
> map(x(),-1*y())

There isn't any mechanism in r.mapcalc to achieve this. I'm not sure
that it's possible to do it entirely within GRASS. Flipping
geo-referenced data doesn't really make much sense.

Either figure out how to import it with the correct orientation, or
export it, flip the exported data, then re-import.

Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com>

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