[GRASS-user] GrassAddOn - i.pr problem

Jan Trochta j.trochta at gmail.com
Wed Oct 15 05:45:57 EDT 2008

trying to explain:
I have vector point map with 13 points defining classes, and one map for
classification (orto na pred.

i.pr.training map=orto na pred vis_map=orto na pred training=tt vector=body
rows=7 cols=7

As the result I have 13 maps:

training=tt_orto.1,tt_orto.2,tt_orto.3,tt_orto.4,tt_orto.5,tt_orto.6,tt_orto.7,tt_orto.8,tt_orto.9,tt_orto.10,tt_orto.11,tt_orto.12,tt_orto.13 features=fea

ERROR: read_training-> Can't open file tt_orto.1 for reading

At this point I stop and don't know what should be next move.

Jan Trochta

> What should the asterix be? You need to explicitely define a map
> name. AFAIK there is no wildcard support.
> Markus
> PS: i.pr isn't much tested yet, please report success/problems to
> the list.

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