[GRASS-user] How to install Grass into Ubuntu

Glynn Clements glynn at gclements.plus.com
Mon Oct 20 06:16:01 EDT 2008

Matt B wrote:

> I'm using Grass on ubuntu 8.04. Weird thing is that unless I run it "sudo
> grass" I get a bunch of errors (and it's unusable) related to grass not
> having the correct permissions to write to where I keep the data (ie the
> users home directory). It's not a show stoppper at the moment and only
> slightly annoying. I'm not sure why this is but I have some ideas to hunt
> down when I get time. I used the standard ubuntu install and assume its
> something to do with the ubuntu setup script.

Note that GRASS won't let you select a mapset as the current mapset
(where new files are stored) unless you own it. Write permission isn't

If you are creating a location which is to be shared by multiple
users, you either need to create a mapset directory for each user,
owned by the user, or grant all such users write permission on the
location directory so that they can create their own mapset directory
(which they will own).

Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com>

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