[GRASS-user] Importing Eosat landsat imagery - errors

William Hudspeth bhudspeth at edac.unm.edu
Thu Oct 23 12:18:18 EDT 2008


I am trying to r.in.gdal to import an Eosat Fast formatted Landsat image
into GRASS 6.1 (running on SUSE Linux 10.1). It requires pointing to the
dataset header file as input, and specification of the band that is to
be imported. I get the error message:

Input map is rotated - cannot import. You may use 'gdalwarp' to
transform the map to North-up.

I have looked into the documentation of gdalwarp, but it is not clear to
me how I go about rotating the image to North-up. Does anyone have
experience with the parameters/arguments necessary to transform the
image using gdalwarp before import into GRASS?

Thanks, Bill

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