[GRASS-user] BIN raster import
Dylan Beaudette
dylan.beaudette at gmail.com
Thu Sep 4 11:46:15 EDT 2008
For further documentation / reference, I have started the following
page, based on Glynn's (verbatim) suggestions.
On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 7:52 AM, Dylan Beaudette
<dylan.beaudette at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks Glynn. I am going to look for a relevant page on the Wiki to
> post much of this information, as it may be very helpful to others.
> Cheers,
> Dylan
> On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 12:46 AM, Glynn Clements
> <glynn at gclements.plus.com> wrote:
>> Dylan Beaudette wrote:
>>> > note that GRASS considers the region bound coordinate to be at the
>>> > outer edge of the border cells.
>>> Now that you mention this, is there an authoritative description of how GRASS
>>> (and maybe GDAL) treat cells/pixels:
>> Inevitably, the authoritative description is the source code. Any
>> other documentation describes how modules are supposed to behave,
>> while the source code describes how they actually behave.
>>> 1. region calculations (outer edge of the border cells)
>> Well, the region isn't limited to raster data; it may also affect some
>> vector operations.
>> The region's bounds describe a rectangle in two-dimensional space. For
>> raster operations, this rectangle is subdivided into a grid of
>> rectangular cells, so the region's bounds are aligned with the edges
>> of the outermost cells.
>>> 2. cell locations (??? center, edge ???)
>> Cells are areas, not points, so they don't have locations. Their
>> corners have locations, as do their centres.
>> A cell with array indices (i,j) (easting, northing) corresponds to the
>> rectangle:
>> { (x,y) : west + i * ewres <= x < west + (i+1) * ewres,
>> north - (j+1) * nsres <= y < north - j * nsres }
>> whose centre is at:
>> (west + (i+1/2) * ewres, north - (j+1/2) * nsres)
>> [Subject to wrapping of longitude values in lat/lon locations.]
>>> 3. raster to vector conversions (??? center, edge ???)
>> IIRC, r.to.vect uses the midpoints of the cell's edges (i.e. one
>> coordinate will be on a grid line, the other will be mid-way between
>> grid lines).
>>> 4. resampling (??? center, edge ???)
>> The built-in nearest-neighbour resampling of raster data calculates
>> the centre of each region cell, and takes the value of the raster cell
>> in which that point falls.
>> If the point falls exactly upon a grid line, the exact result will be
>> determined by the direction of any rounding error.
>> [One consequence of this is that downsampling by a factor which is an
>> even integer will always sample exactly on the boundary between cells,
>> meaning that the result is ill-defined.]
>> r.resample uses the built-in resampling, so it should produce
>> identical results.
>> r.resamp.interp method=nearest uses the same algorithm, but not the
>> same code, so it may not produce identical results in cases which are
>> decided by the rounding of floating-point numbers.
>> For method=bilinear and method=bicubic, the raster values are treated
>> as samples at each raster cell's centre, defining a piecewise-
>> continuous surface. The resulting raster values are obtained by
>> sampling the surface at each region cell's centre.
>> As the algorithm only interpolates, and doesn't extrapolate, a margin
>> of 0.5 (for bilinear) or 1.5 (for bicubic) cells is lost from the
>> extent of the original raster. Any samples taken within this margin
>> will be null.
>> AFAIK, r.resamp.rst behaves similarly, i.e. it computes a surface
>> assuming that the values are samples at each raster cell's centre, and
>> samples the surface at each region cell's centre.
>> For r.resamp.stats without -w, the value of each region cell is the
>> chosen aggregate of the values from all of the raster cells whose
>> centres fall within the bounds of the region cell.
>> With -w, the samples are weighted according to the proportion of the
>> raster cell which falls within the bounds of the region cell, so the
>> result is normally[1] unaffected by rounding error (a miniscule
>> difference in the position of the boundary results in the addition or
>> subtraction of a sample weighted by a miniscule factor).
>> [1] The min and max aggregates can't use weights, so -w has no effect
>> for those.
>>> I have often second-guessed myself on these very topics...
>> For the most part, the interpretation is the "obvious" one, given:
>> 1. Cells are areas rather than points.
>> 2. Operations which need a point (e.g. interpolation) use the cell's
>> centre.
>> From a programming perspective, the functions:
>> G_row_to_northing()
>> G_col_to_easting()
>> G_northing_to_row()
>> G_easting_to_col()
>> all transform floating-point values.
>> Passing integer row or column indices to the first two functions will
>> return the coordinates of the cell's top-left corner; for the centre
>> coordinates, pass row+0.5 and/or col+0.5.
>> Similarly, the last two functions will typically return non-integral
>> values; use floor() to discard the fractional part and obtain the row
>> or column index of the cell within which the point lies.
>> --
>> Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com>
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