[GRASS-user] Clipping shapefiles

Matthew Huck matthew.huck at gmail.com
Fri Sep 12 14:33:47 EDT 2008

   I'm trying to clip a largeish shapefile (100Mb) containing contour  
lines of a reasonably hilly area, into an area that is about 1/12 of  
it.  I'm finding v.overlay very slow (in excess of 17 hours on a quad  
core 4GB Windows machine), am I doing something wrong?

g.region vect=NZMG_s27
v.in.region output=cutter type=line --overwrite
v.overlay ainput=wellington_contours atype=line binput=cutter  
output=clipped operator=and

I'm using GRASS 6.3 (both on Windows Vista 64 (but as a 32 bit exe),  
and on Mac OSX

Thanks in advance


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