[GRASS-user] Attempt to export (r.out.gdal) produces sometimes an error and sometimes not

Nikos Alexandris nikos.alexandris at felis.uni-freiburg.de
Tue Sep 23 08:03:43 EDT 2008

> r.info composite_b123 -tr
[Raster MASK present]

1st attempt to export:
 > r.out.gdal in=composite_b123
Exporting to GDAL data type: UInt16
Segmentation fault
[Raster MASK present]

2nd attempt to export without any change:
> r.out.gdal in=composite_b123
Exporting to GDAL data type: UInt16
Warning 1: Lost metadata writing to GeoTIFF ... too large to fit in tag.
WARNING: Input raster map constains cells with NULL-value (no-data). The
         value -32768 was used to represent no-data values in the input
         map.You can specify nodata value by nodata parameter.
Warning 1: Lost metadata writing to GeoTIFF ... too large to fit in tag.
r.out.gdal complete.
[Raster MASK present]

Shouldn't the same error message (from the 1st attempt) remain?

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