[GRASS-user] GRASS & R : g.region command not found
Milton Cezar Ribeiro
miltinho.astronauta at gmail.com
Mon Apr 6 14:33:00 EDT 2009
Dear all,
I am running grass65 under MSYS under Vista.
After launch MSYS / GRASS / R, I get the information about
mapset without problem. But as my raster image are very large,
R can support the file. So I decided to change the
extent of the GRASS project using
R to control the new extent (in fact I have reasons to
do so from R).
But when I try run system("g.region ...") I get error on R.
May be R can't get the PATH where the g.region command are.
> require(rgdal)
> require(sp)
> require(maptools)
> require(raster)
> require(spgrass6)
> gmeta6()
gisdbase J:/HDExt/cNEC/AnaliseJuruena05_abril2009/juruena_grass_sdb
location newLocation
rows 14178
columns 8710
north 9217368
south 8366688
west 160765
east 683365
nsres 60
ewres 60
projection +proj=utm +south +no_defs +zone=21 +a=6378160 +rf=298.25
> reser.bbox<-bbox(reser)
> reser.bbox
min max
x 371035 465139.4
y 8764093 8833845.3
> reser.north<-reser.bbox[2,2]
> reser.south<-reser.bbox[2,1]
> reser.east <-reser.bbox[1,2]
> reser.weast<-reser.bbox[1,1]
> system("g.region n=reser.north s=reser.south e=reser.east w=reser.west")
Warning message:
In system("g.region n=reser.north s=reser.south e=reser.east w=reser.west")
g.region not found
Any help are welcome.
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