[GRASS-user] Off Topic: Importing GRASS tiffs to GMT

John Stevenson john.stevenson at manchester.ac.uk
Tue Apr 7 05:58:47 EDT 2009

Hamish wrote:
>> Eric wrote:
>>> I'll post here before checking on the GMT list;
>>> hopefully I can get some answers from a GRASS/GMT guru...
> Moritz wrote:
>> I can't help you on your precise questions, but have you seen
>> Dylan's article:
>> http://casoilresource.lawr.ucdavis.edu/drupal/node/561
>> (see link to pdf on that page) ?
> and of course the GRASS Wiki:
>   http://grass.osgeo.org/wiki/GMT
> (which of course forever needs updating)
> Hamish
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By a tiff, do you mean a georeferenced map? I've plotted aerial photos 
that I rectified in GRASS using the following to export the RGB bands:

r.mapcalc "image.red=r#image; image.green=g#image; image.blue=b#image"
r.out.bin -h input=image.red output=image.red.grd
r.out.bin -h input=image.green output=image.green.grd
r.out.bin -h input=image.blue output=image.blue.grd

Followed by:

grdimage image.red.grd image.green.grd image.blue.grd -J -R -B ...etc.

I've just put the same workflow onto the wiki.  I've also used r.his to 
make coloured shaded relief maps, and plotted them in GMT using the same 
method.  I don't think that it is the optimal method, but at least it 
preserved my colour rules.




Dr John Stevenson
Postdoctoral Research Associate
School of Earth, Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences
Williamson Building (Room 2.42)
University of Manchester
Manchester M13 9PL, UK
tel. +44(0)161 306 6585; fax. +44(0)161 306 9361;
john.stevenson at manchester.ac.uk 

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