[GRASS-user] new module: r.surf.volcano

Markus Neteler neteler at osgeo.org
Tue Apr 21 17:21:18 EDT 2009

On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 6:02 AM, Dylan Beaudette <dylan.beaudette at gmail.com>
> Awsome! Here is a start on the povray stuff:
> http://mpa.itc.it/markus/povray/
> http://casoilresource.lawr.ucdavis.edu/drupal/node/80

An an extra gimmick I have uploaded a script to generate
the camera parameters for Povray in a GRASS location
(r.out.povscript) to


Output (spearfish):

r.out.povscript elevation.dem

                |                 |
w:589947.947136 |                 | e:609027.947136
                |                 |
                |        c  <-*C  | c: center (599487.9 4920863.4)
                |                 | C: camera (pos: x 75%, y 50%)
                |                 |
                |                 | N-S extent: 14370.000000
            <- E-W extent: 19080.000000 ->

Povray control file parameters:
light_source:  < 604257.947136, 7000, 4899308.403359 >
Camera:        < 604257.947136, 1949.000000, 4920863.403359 >
Look at:       < 599487.947136, 1249, 4920863.403359 >
DEM scale:     < 19080.000000, 65535, 14370.000000 >
DEM translate: < 589947.947136, 0, 4913678.40335941 >

Then happily recycle scripts from my old Web page to render

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