[GRASS-user] importing a raster map from other HD location/mapset

Milton Cezar Ribeiro miltinho.astronauta at gmail.com
Fri Aug 14 23:37:33 EDT 2009

Dear all,

I have two mapsets, one on my c:\DATA and other on my H:\HDEXT external

The first (my target database) are setted as LatLong/WGS84 projection.
The 2nd (my source database) are setted as  UTM/SouthAmericaDatum1969 (zone

I tryed this command to import a map from UTM to WGS:
  (I run this command from target mapset)
r.proj --v input=mapIN output=mapOUT location=newLocationX mapset=PERMANENT

r.proj appears to understand the information from both (input and output)
side (see message I get):
     Input Projection Parameters:  +proj=utm +south +no_defs +zone=24
     +a=6378160 +rf=298.25 +towgs84=-57,1,-41,0,0,0,0

But after that r.proj crash under Vista/Windows 64b:
   "r.proj.exe has stopped to working - a problem caused the rogram to stop
working correctly...".

Any help are welcome.

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