[GRASS-user] grass70 and display monitor

Michael Barton Michael.Barton at asu.edu
Sat Dec 5 10:56:23 EST 2009

I actually do appreciate the input. I would like to make GRASS highly  
usable for as broad an audience as possible--from mouse junkies to  
command-line geeks. But this needs to also face pragmatic realities of  
available time and effort of the volunteers that do the coding. How  
can we get the most bang for the volunteer buck?


On Dec 5, 2009, at 8:28 AM, Vincent Bain wrote:

> Thank you Michael and others, I really appreciate the time you allow  
> to
> clarify these points. I am convinced the discussion will have been
> benefic to many other users.
> Yours,
> Vincent.

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