[GRASS-user] g.region (was v.to.rast conversion)

Giacomo Piva piva at meeo.it
Tue Dec 15 02:46:44 EST 2009

Giacomo Piva wrote:
> Hamish wrote:
>> Giacomo Piva:
>>> First of all, thanks for your reply.
>>> To clarify my problem, i want to specify that the main
>>> problem is that all command that involves the g.region always 
>>> returns the
>>> reported error (ERROR: default region is not set.) also the "help".
>>> I found a similar discussion here:
>>> http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/grass-user/2009-November/052988.html
>>> Where the solution was to use of the SVN version of the
>>> grass.
>>> I already tried to use that version, bunt nothing changed.
>>> Any me any suggestions?
>> maybe the rc5 bug is now gone, but the corrupted WIND file still
>> remains in your mapset. try 'g.region -d' to reset it.
>> does it work from a newly created mapset?
>> Hamish
> Hi Hamish,
> Maybe it could be usefull to do a backward step.
> I should convert a shapefile into a raster file (GeoTIFF format) at a 
> given resolution and I want to use the GRASS modules as a command line 
> tools.
> I followed the instructions in the chapter "Automated usage of grass" 
> in the Markus's book and I created a bash script in order to prepare 
> the grass enviroment:
> #!/bin/bash
> GISBASE=/usr/local/grass-6.5.svn
> GISDBASE=/usr/local/share/grassdata
> rm $HOME/.grassrc6
> rm -rf "$GISDBASE/$LOCATION" #cleaning LOCATION
> TMPDIR=$$.tmp
> mkdir -p $GISDBASE/$TMPDIR/temp
> echo "LOCATION_NAME: $TMPDIR" > $HOME/.grassrc6
> echo "MAPSET: temp" >> $HOME/.grassrc6
> echo "DIGITIZER: none" >> $HOME/.grassrc6
> echo "GISDBASE: $GISDBASE" >> $HOME/.grassrc6
> export GISRC=$HOME/.grassrc6
> export PATH=$PATH:$GISBASE/bin:$GISBASE/scripts
> After these lines I run the v.in.ogr module to import the vector:
> v.in.ogr -o -e dsn=./test_data/test_data.shp output=grass_map
> And the following is the error i get.
> ERROR: region for current mapset is not set
> run "g.region"
> I tried to get the g.region help message, also I tried to reset the 
> region (with g.region -d) and to set a default region (with g.region 
> -s) but I get always the same error.
> I'm very new with GRASS and I cannot understand if there is a problem 
> in the installation, or it is a bug (as it seemed), or I'm not working 
> in the proper way.
> Thanks (also for the patience)

No suggestions?

Giacomo Piva

MEEO S.r.l.
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