[GRASS-user] Correctly Converting LL to LCC

Rich Shepard rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Mon Dec 28 16:21:58 EST 2009

On Mon, 28 Dec 2009, Hamish wrote:

> it's a feet to meters thing.
> 242852.015184 / 0.3048
> ans =            796758.58

   That's clear.

   For future reference, how can I avoid this? I see no unit option in v.proj
or cs2cs that allows me to specify meters when the long/lat degrees are

> check for correct units with "g.proj -p" from both locations.

   For the source (location sitesLL) the units are degrees, for the target
(location Oregon) the units are degrees.

> or use v.transform to scale things and quietly walk away..

   Think I did this incorrectly. I started GRASS in the Oregon location,
mapset project_name. Killed the GUI and ran 'v.transform -s input=keysites
output=projpts xscale=0.3048 yscale=0.3048 --o', then re-started the GUI,
loaded the output map and saw that the coordinates of a displayed point had
not changed. Ergo, I must not have properly expressed the scaling factor.


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