[GRASS-user] Map Display problems

Aldo Clerici aldo.clerici at unipr.it
Tue Feb 3 10:24:17 EST 2009

Dear GRASS community,


I'm having some problem with the Map display (GRASS6.4.0RC3 with Tcl/Tk
GUI). It seems that the number of row and columns used to display is fixed
(482 x 642) and the resolution is changed consequently.

For example, using Spearfish data:


> g.region -pd


projection: 1 (UTM)

zone:       13

datum:      nad27

ellipsoid:  clark66

north:      4928010

south:      4913700

west:       589980

east:       609000

nsres:      30

ewres:      30

rows:       477

cols:       634

cells:      302418


> r.info -gs geology









To display the map geology on the Map Display, I choose the map with the GIS
Manager and I select the option "Zoom display to selected map" in the Map
Display. The map is displayed but with 482 rows and 642 columns and a
resolution of 29.595 m (instead of 100). 


I also tried  a region modification as follows:


> g.region -p rast=geology


projection: 1 (UTM)

zone:       13

datum:      nad27

ellipsoid:  clark66

north:      4928000

south:      4914000

west:       590000

east:       609000

nsres:      100

ewres:      100

rows:       140

cols:       190

cells:      26600


and the option "Zoom display to computational region (set with g.region)" in
the Map display, but the map geology is displayed the same way as before.


The problem doesn't exist with GRASS6.2.3 and GRASS6.3.1.


Is there some setting to modify? May be I forgot some new option ?


Many thanks in advance


Aldo Clerici

Parma University

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