[GRASS-user] d.mon and libgdal.so.1 on a cluster

Markus Neteler neteler at osgeo.org
Thu Feb 19 04:05:21 EST 2009

On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 8:20 PM, Jose Miguel Martins Delgado
<jdelgado at gfz-potsdam.de> wrote:
> Dear GRASS users,
> I am doing the first steps on GRASS on a cluster in my institute. After
> logging in:
> ssh -X name_of_machine
> I launch grass63. When trying to start a monitor, say x0, it returns:
>   GRASS 6.3.0 > d.mon start=x0
>   ERROR: no such monitor 'x0'
>   ERROR: No such monitor as 'x0'
>   Problem selecting x0. Will try once more
>   ERROR: No such monitor as 'x0'
> When listing the monitors:
>   name description
>   ---- -----------
>   PNG Create PNG file
>   png1 Create PNG file
>   png2 Create PNG file
>   png3 Create PNG file
>   png4 Create PNG file
>   png5 Create PNG file
>   png6 Create PNG file
>   png7 Create PNG file
>   gism Create PNG file for gis.m
>   HTMLMAP Create HTML Image Map
>   PS Create PS file
>   ps1 Create PS file
>   ps2 Create PS file
>   ps3 Create PS file
>   ps4 Create PS file
>   ps5 Create PS file
>   ps6 Create PS file
>   ps7 Create PS file
> So, no graphics monitor available to start.

This indicates that GRASS was compiled without X
support. Note that the xorg-devel package (precise name
may be different, depends on Linux version) needs to
be present on the cluster.
Often it is absent by default since cluster usually don't
have even an X server running - so you need to ask the cluster
admin for this.

>   Another problem is one that I am having both on the cluster and on
>   my personal computer: v.in.ogr does not work.
>   GRASS 6.3.0 > v.in.ogr
>   v.in.ogr: error while loading shared libraries: libgdal.so.1: cannot
>   open shared object file: No such file or directory
> I already know that some symbolic links must be made before proceeding,

- you can also add a file into /etc/ld.so.conf.d/ which contains the
  path to the GDAL libs, or
- (like me) have all GDAL/PROJ/GRASS in your home and use
  the LD_LIBRARY_PATH in your profile (e.g., $HOME/.bashrc) to
  define the location of all the libraries.

> but the problem is that my "ldconfig" is running weird and returning
>   jdelgado at jdelgado-laptop:~$ ldconfig
>   /sbin/ldconfig.real: ? e is not a known library type
>   /sbin/ldconfig.real: ???@*k?Q-??V? ???P???N\|?
>   etc...

Strange, never seen that. Apparently the GDAL lib there
is broken. Use "ldd" on the GDAL lib file(s) to understand
what's the problem.


PS: Maybe interesting to read (and expand!) as well:

Markus Neteler
Fondazione Mach - Centro Ricerca e Innovazione
GIS and Remote Sensing unit
38100 Viote del Monte Bondone (Trento),  Italy
Web:  http://gis.fem-environment.eu/

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