[GRASS-user] Long post - Remote Sensing - Classifications

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 19 23:10:14 EST 2009

[finding r.composite]

mitch_TX wrote:
> it's in "Raster -> Manage map colors -> Create RGB" 
> there was a wish a while ago to build a menu tree for the commands, not 
> sure if it went anywhere. Maybe something could be built into 
> tools/module_synopsis.sh (add a line of text under each module descr with 
> italicized a->b->c menu location?)

todo. hmmm...

xml2 < gui/wxpython/xml/menudata.xml | grep -B5000 "$MODULE" | \
   sed -e 's+^/menudata/menubar/menu/++' | tac | \
   grep '/label=\|^label=' | grep -B1000 '^label=' -m 1 | ... ?

may have to call in awk..

> ..thanks, Moritz told me where to find it...my bad!

if you know it's there but can't find it, what hope does a new user have
of learning that it exists? It indicates a non-intuitive placement or
where the label could be improved. This sort of feedback is rather
valuable IMO.

> > I would say "mitigated" not "corrected". The imagery modules generally 
> > still don't like to look at maps in @othermapsets, and generally don't
> > like @currentmapset tacked on map names either. But hopefully it breaks
> > less now and exits with an understandable error message.
> > The imagery libs need some TLC.
> Are you saying that it's not a matter of version?

no. it should be better in 6.4. Just that even with the new fixes the
imagery modules (library) are still not as solid as the raster modules
in this regard.

> Would I have the same problem with the 6.4?

I don't know. Hopefully it is fixed, but it might not be. (feedback
from users is really the only way to know)

> I'm sure it doesn't work when I copy the images in the user mapset...
> would that work working in PERMANENT?

try with the imagery maps in the same mapset. perhaps with the maps
in PERMANENT you don't need @mapset (it's in the search path), so
it would be ok. shrug.

> I did try to include the images in the group using the
> graphic way but deleting (in the box) @mapset...no luck.

you can look in the $MAPSET/groups/ files too, they are just plain text.

> But still, how about the Supervised? Wouldn't that work
> and tell me that THERE IS a sub-group
> since I used it (the one created via command) for the
> Usupervised? (I tried to create another group -- via command --
> and run the i.class but when I have to define the
> subgroup...nothing!..it doesn't find it.

I don't work with any of the classification stuff, so am not really
familiar with them, but if you can recreate the problem(s) from the
command line, using the North Carolina or Spearfish sample datasets,
please post the commands to trigger it to the bug tracker and we can
try and reproduce it at our end.



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