[GRASS-user] mapset cell size grouping

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 24 18:27:22 EST 2009

> Is it logical to use mapsets for different raster modeling
> cell sizes?

sure, use whatever works.

you can use g.mapset (no "s") to change mapsets on the fly, but it might
help to change the path (PS1= enviro var) to include the mapset name
instead of the location name in the prompt. that's set in etc/init.sh at
startup, so maybe need to edit $GISBASE/etc/prompt.sh to have that change
automatically when g.mapset changes?

e.g. after each g.mapset change:

eval `g.gisenv`
export PS1='GRASS ($MAPSET):\W > '

g.mapset user1 && eval `g.gisenv` && export PS1='GRASS ($MAPSET):\W > '

probably add the shell history recommendations from g.mapset to that,
and perhaps source it in a little ". source.sh" command. (you can make
an alias to avoid the ". file.sh" each time)

sumthin' like that...



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