[GRASS-user] Problems with GRASS python code in osgeo4w

Moskovitz, Bob Bob.Moskovitz at conservation.ca.gov
Mon Jul 13 13:33:25 EDT 2009

See comments below.

Glynn Clements wrote:

> > GRASS 6.4.0svn (Morgan_Hill)> assoc .py
> > .py=py_auto_file
> > 
> > GRASS 6.4.0svn (Morgan_Hill)> ftype py_auto_file
> > py_auto_file="C:\OSGeo4W\bin\python.exe" "%1" %*
> > 
> > GRASS 6.4.0svn (Morgan_Hill)> C:\Temp\printargs.py this is a test
> > C:\Temp\printargs.py
> > 
> > GRASS 6.4.0svn (Morgan_Hill)> python C:\Temp\printargs.py 
> this is a test
> > C:\Temp\printargs.py
> > this
> > is
> > a
> > test
> Okay, so Python is working fine.

If python is working, can you explain why my first example ( C:\Temp\printargs.py this is a test ) only prints out sys.argv[0] ?  
I believe that my problem has nothing to do with g.parser.  I believe that the arguments to a python script are being stripped 
when you rely on ftype.

> There have been some bugs fixed recently regarding g.parser on
> Windows.

Based on http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo4w/wiki/pkg-grass, I see that OSGEO4W's GRASS (which is about 4 months old) probably don't 
have many of these fixes.  So, I would like to make a request to the GRASS Devs to make RC5 available to OSGEO4W.  It's a shame
that the OSGEO4W community can't be involved in squashing the last few bugs :-)

> The first thing to check with a GRASS script is that "script --help"
> generates the help message. If it doesn't, that indicates that either
> g.parser isn't being called or it isn't being passed the script's
> filename correctly.
> If --help works but invoking the script with other arguments doesn't
> work, that indicates that g.parser is failing to re-invoke the script.

		script --help							No output
		c:\full\path\to\script --help					No output
		python c:\full\path\to\script --help			Help message

		script --ui								No output
		c:\full\path\to\script --ui					No output
		python c:\full\path\to\script --ui				No output

		script --interface-description				No output
		c:\full\path\to\script --interface-description		No output
		python c:\full\path\to\script --interface-description	XML output

> If the script requires arguments, running the script without arguments
> should bring up the GUI. Some bugs with this were fixed quite
> recently, but I don't know if others remain.

Btw, most (if not all) of the compiled grass commands do not bring up the GUI when you run the program without arguments.

> -- 
> Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com>

Bob Moskovitz
Research Analyst I
Seismic Hazard Evaluation Project
California Geological Survey

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