[GRASS-user] error: Incompatible library version for module.
You need to rebuild GRASS or untangle multiple installations.
Nikos Alexandris
nikos.alexandris at felis.uni-freiburg.de
Wed Jul 29 08:13:45 EDT 2009
On Wed, 2009-07-29 at 11:23 +0100, Glynn Clements wrote:
> Nikos Alexandris wrote:
> > Hi dev's and advanced useRs,
> >
> > I have seen this message for the X-th time now :-( while trying to load
> > (anything) data using readRAST6 or readVECT6.
> >
> > I've rebuild grass-6.4.0svn 2-3 times now. I've re-installed R 2-3 times
> > as well. Not to mention how many attempts to get "spgrass6".
> >
> > Which is the "incompatible library"
> libgrass_gis
> > and to which "module" does it refer to?
> Whatever is calling G_gisinit().
> > Is this an R error or a grass error? Any help is *higly*
> > appreciated.
> It means that something was compiled using <grass/gis.h> from one
> version of GRASS, but when run it uses libgrass_gis from a different
> version.
> It may be a problem with R. It can also be caused by a GDAL library
> (or GDAL-GRASS plugin) which was built with GRASS support. You might
> want to try using gdalinfo on a GRASS dataset to confirm or deny this
> possibility.
Thanks. It's, like most of the times, my ignorance on how to deal with
compiling/installing issues.
I guess you are Glynn. gdalinfo segfaults when trying to "query" a grass
raster (under cellhd).
Kind regards, Nikos
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