[GRASS-user] ps.map file title

John A Stevenson john.stevenson at manchester.ac.uk
Thu Jun 11 09:36:06 EDT 2009

Is there a way to set the title of the file in ps.map?

If I convert the ps file using GMT's ps2raster -Tf, then the resulting 
file has title:
"Map layer = some_map  Mapset = some_mapset"

I can change this if I edit the ps file by hand, but was just wondering 
if there was a setting in ps.map that wasn't documented in the g.manual 




Dr John Stevenson
Postdoctoral Research Associate
School of Earth, Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences
Williamson Building (Room 2.42)
University of Manchester
Manchester M13 9PL, UK
tel. +44(0)161 306 6585; fax. +44(0)161 306 9361;
john.stevenson at manchester.ac.uk 

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