[GRASS-user] v.out.ogr to KML ERROR 1: Latitude is invalide
Micha Silver
micha at arava.co.il
Sat Jun 20 15:47:53 EDT 2009
maven apache wrote:
> I am using 6.3,my tiff info:
> ---------------------------------------
> Coordinate System is:
> PROJCS["WGS 84 / UTM zone 20S",
> GEOGCS["WGS 84",
> DATUM["WGS_1984",
> SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.2572235630016,
> AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],
> AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],
> PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],
> UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433],
> AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]],
> PROJECTION["Transverse_Mercator"],
> PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin",0],
> PARAMETER["central_meridian",-63],
> PARAMETER["scale_factor",0.9996],
> PARAMETER["false_easting",500000],
> PARAMETER["false_northing",10000000],
> UNIT["metre",1,
> AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]],
> AUTHORITY["EPSG","32720"]]
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> First I create location :g.proj -c georef=d:/swilAlphaTIFF.tif
> datumtrans=0 location=newlocation
> then import it to the new location: get four raster maps(it has three
> band),I composite them and then transfer the composted raster to
> vector,then extract each category to a vector,one of them is named bule.
> Then I start to covert the projection.
> I creation new epsg4326 location: then "v.proj input=bule
> location=newlocation
> mapset=PERMANENT dbase=D:\GrassDataBase output=newblue
> But when I display the newblue it is blank,just like the projection is
> not matched......
> I ...... have no idea.
> =============================
> Actually I have exported the vector data to shapefile ,then use arcgis
> to transfer the shapefile to kml,but I think the accurcy is low...
> 2009/6/19 Hamish <hamish_b at yahoo.com <mailto:hamish_b at yahoo.com>>
> Hamish:
> > create a new lat/lon WGS84 location with EPSG code #
> > 4326, then pull in maps from source mapset using r.proj, v.proj.
> maven:
> > I have lose my heart so.... So many
> > people have gave me help,.......I can not do it.
> ok probably that I broke g.proj in 6.4.0rc5 makes it my fault that you
> can't create any new locations :) sorry.
> try this:
> start grass from the command line with
> grass64 -text
> then type a new location name, esc-enter, and create new Lat/Lon
> location.
> follow prompts, when it asks for a datum type "wgs84".
> or try to install another version besides 6.4.0rc5
> (not 6.5svn or 7svn either).
Don't lose heart! It seems you've already made some good progress.
Based on Hamish's suggestion (older version of GRASS) maybe you should
try QGIS with it's GRASS plugin.
On windows it's fairly easy to install the whole package with the
OSGeo4W installer. Follow carefully the instructions here:
THen start QGIS, and activate the GRASS plugin, and there's a button on
the GRASS toolbar to create a new location. You select the GISDBASE
(D:\GrassDataBase) then use the EPSG ID (4326) to define projection (Be
sure to click the "Find" button) , and you should be up and running in
the new Lat/Lon location.
Now use v.proj (from the QGIS GRASS toolbox) to project your vector
from UTM to the new LatLon location, and then find v.out.ogr (again in
the QGIS GRASS toolbox ) to make the kml file.
BTW, If you prefer, you can close QGIS right after creating the
location, and then open GRASS in this new Lat/Lon location and do these
last two steps from within GRASS.
> good luck,
> Hamish
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