[GRASS-user] (not) getting started

Wim de Vries wsvries at xs4all.nl
Sun Mar 15 17:13:35 EDT 2009

I am new to GRASS. Having a hard time to understand/get GRASS working
(v.5 on suse 10.3 as well as v.6.2 on debian lenny).
Isn't there a simple way e.g. to load arc e00 data and convert it to png.
I came to the point of defining a new location, but then the list for
projections does not show Lambert conformal or mercator. Next, I cannot
get out of the list. Had to hit CTRL-C to completely drop out of the app.
In other words each simple step takes me hours. The tutorials only
concentrate on doing sth. with an existing project, without telling what
the steps really do or mean.
If someone knows a good book on a recent version, I would certainly buy
it, for I think it is a great tool once you understand it...

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