[GRASS-user] Georectification

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Fri May 1 06:10:52 EDT 2009

Joe Bayles ezt írta:
> > I'm not even really there yet. I've followed the following steps:
> > Created an undefined XY location for importing
> > Created a defined UTM location for georeferencing
> > r.in.gdal (don't have the exact line written down, but it worked, I
> > have displayed the TIFF as a raster)

> > i.group group=map input=state at PERMANENT (assigned the one image to a
> > group)


> > i.target group=map at PERMANENT location=georeference mapset=permanent
> > (targeted the UTM location)

ok. if you try group=group_name at OTHER_MAPSET there it complains. you
can only write to the current mapset. You are allowed to add input maps
from other input mapsets though.

> > d.mon start=x0 (started the monitor)
> > Here's where it gets... not good.
> > i.points group=map at PERMANENT (attempt to start identifying points)
> > and I get this:
> > Target information for group [map] missing
> > Please run i.target for group map

for me it works,  what does your PERMANENT/group/map/REF file look like?
what version of grass are you using?

# spearfish
G65> i.group gr=test_gr in=spot.image
Adding raster map <spot.image at PERMANENT> to group
i.group complete.
# the contents of the $MAPSET/group/test_gr/REF file looks ok too

G65> i.target gr=test_gr at user1 loc=nc_spm_08 mapset=user1

G65> i.target gr=test_gr at foo loc=nc_spm_08 mapset=user1
ERROR: Group must exist in the current mapset

G65> d.mon x0
G65> i.points group=test_gr at user1

Stefán István wrote:
> Try "map" instead of "map at PERMANENT" in command i.target.

(for me that works either way)
> I've also experienced this problem.
> If I didn't specify the mapset informations in the map
> names, it works. So try write just "state" instead of
> "state at PERMANENT" and "map" instead of "map at PETMANENT" everywhere.
> This helps for me, though I use the gui for i.group and i.target.

in general the imagery library isn't very good with external mapset stuff,
but in this case it should all work.




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