[GRASS-user] correcting vectors for bounting box [Re: correcting a series of images for wrong bounding box ...]

Timmie timmichelsen at gmx-topmail.de
Sun May 3 10:51:13 EDT 2009

> >> So r.region actually does a kind of affine transformation? I don't
> >> remember seeing this documented anywhere (the manual says
> >> "...manage the boundaries...") , and I must say it's confusing and
> >> unexpected that a module called r.region (similar to g.region)
> >> shifts/changes the data, rather than just defining the region
> >> and resolution. 
> I guess my misunderstanding is just semantic. If the module were named 
> r.shift or r.translate I'd have no problem. 
I must say that the ArcToolbox tool raster -> shift does not the same thing. It
seems to be a frontend to gdalwarp.

> By comparison, there's no v.region which shifts where the vector 
> features are in space. But if I choose to shift a vector map, I use the 
> "move" tool in v.edit. That makes perfect sense, but r.region doing such 
> a shift caught me by surprise.  So r.region seems closer to gdalwarp 
> that to any region settings.
Although being aware of the answer Hasmish posted:
What would be the appropriate way to adjust vectors for wrong bounding box?

I have also some vetcors that were digitized ontop of the wrongly adjusted
raster layers.
As there is no v.region, what tool would you recommend?

Thanks in advance,

P.S.: Thanks to all for their responses. I am now under way to try them out.

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