[GRASS-user] grass-python scripting error

Martin Landa landa.martin at gmail.com
Mon May 25 17:55:36 EDT 2009


2009/5/25 Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com>:
> Milton Cezar Ribeiro wrote:
>> I will try this, but was thinking, as my plataform is not win32 (I am
>> running amd64 or x64) if with the change :
>>      if sys.platform == "win32":  ....
>> if it will also work for my case?!
> It depends upon whether Python uses a different value for sys.platform
> on 64-bit systems. I don't have such a system, so I don't know.

what about platform.system() == 'Windows' ?


Martin Landa <landa.martin gmail.com> * http://gama.fsv.cvut.cz/~landa

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