[GRASS-user] More on v.net.steiner

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 9 12:53:18 EDT 2009

Richard wrote:
> I found a brute-force way to identify the unreachable
> categories; I set up a loop in d.path to connect all
> categories to all others, with the output pipelined to a
> text file along with cats.
> > Wouldn't v.net do the job?
> I had already run v.net to create the connection from point
> to network. Where it fell down was for points that couldn't
> connect, because v.net.steiner reports the failure to
> connect using node number rather than category number (so
> for eg the cat might be 10 but the node 639). My nasty
> brute-force was to create a text file that clearly put node
> number and cat number together.
> (The network was roads; the points that didn't connect were
> in the water, which is fair enough I suppose!)

how about v.net.iso then split away areas with infinite cost.




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