[GRASS-user] Pansharpening using PCA in R

Georg Kaspar georg at muenster.de
Fri Apr 2 11:38:38 EDT 2010

I'm trying to apply pansharpening to a set of 4 quickbird channels by 
exchanging the first principal component with the panchromatic channel. 
Since an inverse PCA is not possible using GRASS (alone) I used the 
following workflow:


1. import data into R using spgrass6
2. eliminate NAs
3. calculate covariance matrix using cov
4. calculate eigenvalues and eigenvectors using eigen


1. calculate pc-layers by multiplying initial layers with eigenvector * 
2. since the pc-layers seem to be inverted, create an inverted version 
of the panchromatic channel rescaled to the range of first pc.
3. set region to resolution of panchromatic channel
4. calculate pansharpened channels by inverting first step and replacing 
1st pc with pan-channel

Problem is, that the results do not seem to be pansharpened at all...
Would be nice if someone could have a look at the attached workflow to 
see if there are any obvious mistakes...
Best regards & thanks,
-------------- next part --------------
G = gmeta6()
# import data from grass
qbird = readRAST6(c('szene1_mul.1', 'szene1_mul.2', 'szene1_mul.3', 'szene1_mul.4'))
# work around NAs
qbird.nas = which(is.na(qbird at data$szene1_mul.1) & is.na(qbird at data$szene1_mul.2) & is.na(qbird at data$szene1_mul.3) & is.na(qbird at data$szene1_mul.4))
qbird.values = which(!is.na(qbird at data$szene1_mul.1) & !is.na(qbird at data$szene1_mul.2) & !is.na(qbird at data$szene1_mul.3) & !is.na(qbird at data$szene1_mul.4))
qbird.nonas = qbird at data[qbird.values, ]
# calculate covariance matrix
qbird.cov = cov(qbird.nonas)
# calculate eigenvalues and eigenvectors of covariance matrix
[1] 20456.53596  6349.30655   132.17551    29.54617

            [,1]       [,2]        [,3]        [,4]
[1,]  0.14080443 -0.6333085  0.74920435 -0.13336911
[2,]  0.11099650 -0.6563785 -0.47295220  0.57720293
[3,]  0.07533621 -0.3617352 -0.46332379 -0.80548320
[4,] -0.98090690 -0.1929644  0.01844232 -0.01569314
-------------- next part --------------
# set region to match extend and resolution of multispectral data
g.region rast=szene1_mul.1
# calculate pc channels based on pca results in R
r.mapcalc "szene1_pca.1 = 20.13874 * szene1_mul.1 + 15.87542 * szene1_mul.2 + 10.77506 * szene1_mul.3 - 140.29553 * szene1_mul.4"
r.mapcalc "szene1_pca.2 = -50.46363 * szene1_mul.1 - 52.30191 * szene1_mul.2 - 28.82398 * szene1_mul.3 - 15.37589 * szene1_mul.4"
r.mapcalc "szene1_pca.3 = 8.6134232 * szene1_mul.1 - 5.4374184 * szene1_mul.2 - 5.3267228 * szene1_mul.3 + 0.2120269 * szene1_mul.4"
r.mapcalc "szene1_pca.4 = -0.72494637 * szene1_mul.1 + 3.13746694 * szene1_mul.2 - 4.37831615 * szene1_mul.3 - 0.08530223 * szene1_mul.4"
# set region to match resolution of panchromatic data 
g.region res=0.6
# since 1st pc seems to be inverted when compared to panchromatic channel, an inverted copy of the panchromatic channel is created
r.mapcalc "szene1_pan_inv=szene1_pan*-1+2047"
# data range of panchromatic channel is set to match the 1st pc
r.info -r szene1_pca.1
r.rescale in=szene1_pan_inv out=szene1_pan_inv_re to=-219802.73799,-4871.05689
# calculate pansharpened channels
r.mapcalc "szene1_mul_pan.1=20.13874 * szene1_pan_inv_re - 90.57980 * szene1_pca.2 + 107.15596 * szene1_pca.3 - 19.07530 * szene1_pca.4"
r.mapcalc "szene1_mul_pan.2=8.844483 * szene1_pan_inv_re - 52.301905 * szene1_pca.2 - 37.686031 * szene1_pca.3 + 45.992993 * szene1_pca.4"
r.mapcalc "szene1_mul_pan.3=0.8661224 * szene1_pan_inv_re - 4.1587827 * szene1_pca.2 - 5.3267228 * szene1_pca.3 - 9.2604477 * szene1_pca.4"
r.mapcalc "szene1_mul_pan.4=-5.33185610 * szene1_pan_inv_re - 1.04888494 * szene1_pca.2 + 0.10024578 * szene1_pca.3 - 0.08530223 * szene1_pca.4"

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