Fw: Re: [GRASS-user] Opensource and pretty maps design anybody?
ravivundavalli at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 18 07:16:26 EDT 2010
--- On Wed, 18/8/10, Ravi <ravivundavalli at yahoo.com> wrote:
From: Ravi <ravivundavalli at yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [GRASS-user] Opensource and pretty maps design anybody?
To: "Rich Shepard" <rshepard at appl-ecosys.com>
Date: Wednesday, 18 August, 2010, 4:34 PM
I use
1. Create an .svg file from the shape file
2. Open .svg file in Inkscape, a wonderful software with
RGB and CMYK colour palette, and also great text fonts and justification
--- On Tue, 17/8/10, Rich Shepard
<rshepard at appl-ecosys.com> wrote:
From: Rich Shepard <rshepard at appl-ecosys.com>
Subject: Re: [GRASS-user] Opensource and pretty maps design anybody?
To: grass-user at lists.osgeo.org
Date: Tuesday, 17 August, 2010, 9:33 PM
On Tue, 17 Aug 2010, kapo coulibaly wrote:
> I've been using opensource GIS for a while (GRASS a lot). But they are all
> very limited when it comes to creating nice maps. I always have to resolve
> to
using ArcGIS to put final touches on maps. Anybody has a suggestion for
> a free software to use for map design?
Sure: psmap within GRASS. Or you can use any of the graphic applications
such as the GIMP, dia, Inkscape, etc.
I've found that psmap produces outstanding output at a specified scale. It
takes a while to grok all the options and you need to build a text file to
produce what you want (no clicking, dragging, or other GUI stuff), but you
can put what you want exactly where you want it. I suppose you could also
use PSTricks with it but I've not looked at doing so.
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