[GRASS-user] Customization of WxGUI Georrectification

Kim Besson kimbesson1981 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 20 05:42:13 EDT 2010

Hi there

 I'm a GRASS user and I've been using WxGUI Georrectification tool (that you
have developed/updated). Since we are using it for teaching purpose a few
students suggested to change the panel titles in order to identrify the
steps (for instance 1st panel (LocationPage) title would be: Setup for
geometric Correction  Step1 of 3
2nd panel (grouppage) title would be: Setup for georectification Step2 of 3
3rd panel (mappage) title would be: Setup for geometric Correction Step3 of

I saw that this is defining the panel titles:
self.wizard = wiz.Wizard(parent=parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, title=_("Setup for
I tried to create new wizards
self.wizard2 = wiz.Wizard(parent=parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, title=_("Setup for
georectification Step 2of 3")) and then:
self.grouppage = GroupPage(self.wizard2, self)

but it didn't work.

My question is: Is this possible to do? If so, can you give me a tip on


Best regards,
Kim Besson
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