[GRASS-user] error with r.pack addon

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 14 23:36:50 EST 2010

Tim Michelsen wrote:
> running the r.pack addon I got the follwoing error:
> GRASS 6.5.svn
> (Spearfish60):/usr/local/src/grass-addons/raster/r.pack
> ./r.pack
> sh: r.pack: not found

is the script somewhere in the $PATH?

e.g. put it or symlink it into $GRASS_ADDON_PATH. see 'g.manual variables'

> Furthermore, would it be feasible to add such a pack command for all
> data types (raster, vector, 3D, data bases) to the GRASS main code?
> It's very useful when exchanging result files for remote helping or
> interchange.

maybe for grass7 once we get the raster format reordered.

for vectors you can just copy the map's directory, for databases "it depends", for DBF easy, for other's you need to g.copy into a fresh
mapset and check db links are relative paths not hardcoded paths.

for now the recommended way is to create a new mapset, g.copy in the
maps you want to transfer, and then package that up with the PERMANENT
mapset into a tarball or zip file.



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