[GRASS-user] Language of installed manual

Glynn Clements glynn at gclements.plus.com
Thu Feb 18 05:26:10 EST 2010

Markus Neteler wrote:

> >> Apparently winGRASS-daily was/is build in CZ locale and NLS active.
> >> Before compilation, the locale settings should be set to English by
> >> defining LANG and LC_MESSAGES variables. IMHO easy to fix
> >> on Martin's server.
> >
> > finally I have some time to look at this problem. Defining LANG and
> > LC_MESSAGES in package.sh doesn't seems to help. Any hint from Windows
> > users?
> Two random ideas:
> - add the definitions also in the cronjob script
> - check if English language is possible on the machine (maybe the
> en_US locale isn't there?)

The default locale is "C", which behaves the same as if no locale is
set (i.e. no call to setlocale()).

LC_ALL takes precedence over the individual LC_* variables and LANG,
so you may need to use:

	export LC_ALL=C

Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com>

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