[GRASS-user] first time running

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 23 15:45:30 EST 2010

jon winchester wrote:
> I've installed, downloaded sample
> data (NC and Spearfish) and am
> following tutorial instructions from this page:
> http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/wiki/HowToTestGrass6
> Everything goes alright until "Start GRASS" then I get this
> error:
> "g.proj or projection error: dyld: Library not loaded:
> /Library/Frameworks/PROJ.framework/Versions/4.6/PROJ
> Referenced from
> /Applications/GRASS-6.4.app/Contents/MacOS/bin/g.proj
> Reason: image not found" and crash. Any ideas?

did you install all the required framework packages listed on
the Mac download site?



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