[GRASS-user] unable to read kml file in grass:

Markus Neteler neteler at osgeo.org
Fri Feb 26 09:31:21 EST 2010

On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 2:54 PM, bharath s <bharath.settur at gmail.com> wrote:
> hello
> iam working on grass64 ubuntu...
> i want to import kml files to grass i tried  v.in.ogr
> but i got error showing that:
> Unable to open data source </home/bharath/water.kml>
> please help me....

  ogr2ogr --formats
list KML as supported format? If not, it has to be recompiled with libexpat
support. For this, please contact the Ubuntu package maintainer for GDAl-OGR:


Once it is present in OGR (so, ogr2ogr etc), then also v.in.ogr will be
able to read it.


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