[GRASS-user] Major update of r.stream.order and r.stream.basins. New module: r.stream.pos

Jarosław Jasiewicz jarekj at amu.edu.pl
Tue Jan 5 09:41:53 EST 2010

Hi all!

A have made major update with r.stream.order and r.stream.basins:

r.stream.order new functionality:

- it can now create table to store drainage network topology. This table 
can be added to r.stream.extract vector file. For more details see 

r.stream.basins new functionality:

- much easier stream selection: now we can type only stream categories 
to create basins. No map algebra is necessary
- r.water.outlet functionality added to r.stream.basins (define outlet 
by coordinates)
- definition of outlets by vector point file


this is a helper module for linear geostatistics and local stream 
properties analysis. Nothing exciting


I have a problems with svn repository. If there are some problems with 
downloading or compiling please let me know, I will try to update as 
soon as possible.


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