[GRASS-user] Temporal Analysis

Nikos Dumakis nikosdu1980 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 9 12:30:45 EDT 2010

Now I'm a bit lost on this versions stuff :)

> > - Do you have that specific code available?
> See SVN :)
> What is the name of the module? r.series?

> > About: "Find it in GRASS 6.5 and 7 (also 6.4.1 once 6.4.0 is out):
> > http://grass.osgeo.org/grass70/manuals/html70_user/r.series.html "
> > - You are saying that r.series function at GRASS6.5 and 7 includes that
> > possibility?
> Yes.
> > And can it be back-ported to 6.4?
> Yes, but only for 6.4.1.
What is the 6.4.1 release? I only heard about 6.4.0RC6, GRASS6.5 and 7 never
6.4.1... Is it as stable as GRASS6.4.0RC6?

> > And about "6.4.0 out": Isn't Out already? :D
> Isn't it 6.4.0RC6 the GRASS6.4.0 ?
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