[GRASS-user] Import, project

stn stneumann at web.de
Thu Jun 17 13:59:18 EDT 2010


I am new to grass and don't really know where to start.

Please give me some hints on

1) how to import+project a vector-shapefile  (containing one layer of
non-overlapping administrative regions) with unknown
projection+coordinate-system into a database with latitude/longitude

2) how to import+project a e00-rasterfile into the same database (containing
rasterpoints 1kmx1km, each with one scalar property)

3) how to export an ascii/excel/csv-list of every raster-point with a) the
corresponding scalar and b) the administrative region and c) the coordinates
lat/long of the raster-point

I could not import because the files be imported have a different coordinate
system and import was refused because of that.

I tried to google for a commandline/gui-program that reprojects, found a few
like shpproj, g.proj, m.proj, none of which seem to have anything to do with
reprojecting a shape-file.

I use grass 6.4 on windows (linux is fine too) and have already created a
workspace fitted for germany with lat/long-coordinates in an appropriate

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