[GRASS-user] Re: New modules in svn add-on: r.area and r.convergence

Marcello Gorini gorini at gmail.com
Sat Jun 19 19:36:08 EDT 2010

Jarek Jasiewicz wrote:
> Hi
> I added new two modules to svn add-on.
> r.area
> Simple module available in almost every raster processing GIS 
> application. Calculates area size of clumped areas and ascribe these 
> values to these areas. Also allow remove small areas with size lower 
> than treshold. All that functionality can be attempted with  few 
> existing grass commands (r.to.vect, v.db.addcolumn, v.to.db v.to.rast, 
> r.mapcalc sequentially) but I spend less time programing this module 
> than performing this set of operation (on rather huge map with over 
> 100000 cluped areas)
> r.convergence
> specializing module reworked from SAGA. Calculate convergnece index for 
> given area based on DEM. Good wor detecting geomorphological lineaments. 
> It use different method for slope-aspect calculation than SAGA (but the 
> same as in GRASS r.slope.aspect), also can work in lat-long projections.
> As always any comments, tests, suggestions and critics are welcome
> Jarek
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Dear Jarek,

I am trying to use r.area, but with no success.
I have a raster ("my_raster") that contains either the value 255 or 0. So
first I used r.clump to create unique categories:

r.clump input=my_raster output=my_raster_clumped

And then I used r.area like this:

r.area input=my_raster_clumped output=my_raster_area

But then I get the following error:

ATENÇÃO: Raster map <my_raster_clumped> not found in mapset
ERRO:<my_raster_clumped> is not of type CELL, probably not crated with

The result of r.info for the clumped raster is:

 | Layer:    my_raster_clumped              Date: Sat Jun 19 20:23:45 2010   
 | Mapset:   ATLANTIC                       Login of Creator: marcello       
 | Location: GEBCO_MERCATOR                                                  
 | DataBase: /home/marcello/grassdata                                        
 | Title:    clump of <my_raster at ATLANTIC> ( my_raster_clumped )             
 | Timestamp: none                                                           

 |   Type of Map:  raster               Number of Categories: 26             
 |   Data Type:    CELL                                                      
 |   Rows:         296                                                       
 |   Columns:      326                                                       
 |   Total Cells:  96496                                                     
 |        Projection: Mercator                                               
 |            N:    3948000    S:    3652000   Res:  1000                    
 |            E:   -7037000    W:   -7363000   Res:  1000                    
 |   Range of data:    min = 1  max = 26                                     
 |   Data Description:                                                       
 |    generated by r.clump                                                   


The usage is so simple and the error is so nonsense that I have no clues of
what may be happening. Any ideas?

Best regards,

P.S.: By the way, thank you for the fuzzy modules. They made my life much

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