[GRASS-user] Really dumb script question

Richard Chirgwin rchirgwin at ozemail.com.au
Mon Jun 28 07:17:56 EDT 2010

It's like this. I'm good with Grass-GIS and not good with complicated 

An r.in.wms process downloaded too many tiles, and broke r.in.gdalwarp. 
So, I would like to break up the downloaded tiles into groups of ten, 
run r.in.gdalwarp on the groups, then patch the grouped tiles together 
at the end.

I have:

Background_ _ <0 to 251>.png
ie -
Background__0.png to Background__251.png

What I want to do is

for i in <group of ten tiles>; do
r.in.gdalwarp input=<grouped filenames> output=<subset> method=nearest 

But how do I break the set of 251 tiles into groups for this?


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