[GRASS-user] Attribute Table in GUI

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 16 01:54:54 EDT 2010

Andrew Lewin wrote:
> I can't seem to call up the attribute table of a layer in
> which I connected to via a database.  It gives the
> following error:
> "Attribute table <road_network> not found.  For
> creating the table, switch to 'Manage Layers' tab."
> My goal is to be able to view and edit the attribute table
> in the GUI.  Is there a way to view the attribute table
> in the terminal window?
> I am running GRASS 6.4 on a Mac OsX 10.5.9

AFAIK there have been a whole pile of fixes to the attribute manager since
the 6.4.0rc5 release. You may want to hang out for rc6 or try to compile
yourself from the weekly 6.4.0.svn code snapshot.



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