[GRASS-user] export as eps/svg ind grass64rc6 - grass7 ??

Benjamin Ducke benjamin.ducke at oxfordarch.co.uk
Wed May 26 09:50:50 EDT 2010

GRASS GIS development is currently driven by a relatively
small number of people, some of them working on GRASS only
in their spare time. And most of them have their focus on
areas other than map production GUIs.

So your best bet to get new functionality into the system 
that you/someone you know needs is to raise
some funding and hire a programmer to do the job.

There seems to be almost unlimited money floating around for
renting ridiculously expensive proprietary licenses, so
surely, there must be some to invest into open source GIS

Alternatively, there are many more open source GIS apps
that can be used (in combination with GRASS) to cover any
functionality gaps. E.g. Quantum GIS, OpenJUMP and gvSIG
all have easy-to-use map printing facilities. 
Quantum GIS already has a GRASS interface and the same is
currently in the works for gvSIG (via the SEXTANTE tools).



----- Original Message -----
From: "Francesco Mirabella" <mirabell at unipg.it>
To: "Hamish" <hamish_b at yahoo.com>
Cc: grass-user at lists.osgeo.org
Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2010 11:50:16 AM GMT +01:00 Amsterdam / Berlin / Bern / Rome / Stockholm / Vienna
Subject: [GRASS-user] export as eps/svg ind grass64rc6 - grass7 ??

sorry if I came back on this topic a bit late with respect to the 
messages below, but I think it's a quite crucial one and like to know if 
users/developers share similar needs.
I have just had to struggle with a arc* user for printing an map and to 
try to convince him/her to switch to GRASS....

I also recall some "dilemma" provocative messages in 2008 like:
I come here with a question/dilemma...
Why ps.map lacks so much user support?
A lot of people know about GRASS all over the world, but nearly nobody
use it, since nearly any software in the world is less difficult to
produce maps.
GRASS is a wonderful tool for analysis, but it fails to produce the 
ultimate result: a map.

The point is how one can produce an output map which contains at least:
1. a raster map
2. some vector with labels
3. scale

One should be able to decide about:
1. map scale,
2. paper format,
3. file format

I think that at the present development level, the user should be able 
to make such a map from the GUI. The output map vector elements should 
also be editable in skencil, inkscape, openoffice, etc.. with the raster 
as a base (e.g. a dem or a raster topography)

I am aware that the present-day wxpython map display allows to produce 
bitmaps (.png, .tif, etc..) and that the things in the list above can be 
drawn off ps.map - ps.output. However at present one has to load all the 
info into a "mapping instructions file" which has to be changed each 
time one wants to map a different map. In the oldtcltk this issue was 
overcome by the possibility to create the .txt script file directly from 
the tcltk display window.
I wonder if it is planned to create a sort of printing layout which can 
allow the user to easily output "a map".

many thanks in advance

Hamish wrote:
> Achim wrote:
>> I know that it is not possible in grass65,
> no my friend, it is available:   d.out.file
>    format   Graphics file format
>             options: png,ppm,tif,geotiff,jpg,bmp,ps,eps,svg,pdf
> And of course v.out.svg.
> See d.mon for details on the Cairo and PS (PostScript) drivers
> which are another way to go.
> and of course ps.map or ps.output PostScipt [-> PDF] -> Inkscape is
> great if you need print quality output.
>> but can one export the graphics display to svg or eps in grass7
>> (from gui-display)?
> there is a save-as pull down menu in the map display. I can't remember
> what's on it except that GeoTiff is on the planned feature list.
>> Alternatively I would like to load my workspace settings to
>> a xmon in order to export from there. Is that possible?
>> (I really dont want to rebuild the layer settings from the
>> shell again ;-) )
> GRASS 7 doesn't have xmons, but the PS and Cairo drivers there are
> much better than in GRASS 6. (mostly the xmons hold them back in grass 6)
> good luck,
> Hamish
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Francesco Mirabella,
Geologia Strutturale e Geofisica
Universita' di Perugia,
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra,
Piazza Universita' 1, 06100 Perugia (Italy)
tel: ++39.(0)75.584.7948
fax: ++39.(0)75.585.2603
skype: francesco.mirabella
web: http://www.unipg.it/~mirabell/

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