[GRASS-user] Grass freeze in v.digit after some "display attributes"

Pablo Carreira pablotcarreira at hotmail.com
Thu Nov 11 14:17:09 EST 2010

I'm experiencieng a strange bug here: with tcl/tk editor or with qgis, after using the "display attributes" tool about 10 to 20 times, GRASS (or qgis) completely freeze.I've tried this:-Uninstal and install everything again.-Many different vectos.-Different databases (dbf, sqlite, pgsql).
I have the OSGeo4w version running on Win7.
with debug=1 I have these messages for every click with "display attributes".
D1/1: Vect_get_field(): field = 1D1/1: Vect_get_dblink(): link = 0
Any clue?
Pablo Torres Carreira

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