[GRASS-user] problem with image classification

Ringle, Bill biringle at davidson.edu
Wed Nov 17 15:15:28 EST 2010

I am new to GRASS and am trying to learn how to classify data using the NC sample dataset. My problem is with the GUI interface. I create a group and subgroup, and I have queried them to make sure the subgroup is there and has the three bands specified. However, when I do the cluster option using the GUI, I can never get it to recognize the subgroup. I can pull down the group name, then I can pull down the subgroup name, but at the bottom, it consistently says icluster ..... group=lsat7_2000 at landsat subgroup=<required> .....    In other words, it is not getting the subgroup name from the pull-down.

I can make the classification work by typing out the commands, but I am using this for class and the GUI method would sure be helpful.
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