[GRASS-user] Application of r.color

Glynn Clements glynn at gclements.plus.com
Fri Oct 1 13:45:30 EDT 2010

Luis Lisboa wrote:

> I have a script where I create a map (using mapcalc) and I want to attribute
> a color (gray for instance) but it ranges from 0 to 5 so I cannot attribute
> gray0-1 neither gray0-255. What can I do to attribute a color table that
> stretches its color attibution to the image max and minimum values?

"color=grey" maps the minimum value to black and the maximum to white.

If you can't find an existing set of rules which produce the desired
result, use rules= to specify custom rules. The syntax is documented
in the r.colors manual page.

Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com>

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