[GRASS-user] v.db.join script

Nikos Alexandris nikos.alexandris at felis.uni-freiburg.de
Thu Oct 14 17:28:28 EDT 2010

Jon Eiriksson wrote:

> I apologise for possible double-posting - but it seems that I did not
> send the email copied below to the correct address. If anyone has
> experienced the v.d.b.join column definition/truncation problem
> desacribed belowl and has some advice, I would be very grateful to
> hear about it.
> Best regards, Jon
> ==================================================
> Hi,
> I have a truncation problem with v.db.join. This has been raised
> before -
> ([GRASS-user] Re: grass v.db.join
> Gary Nobles
> Fri, 12 Mar 2010 11:11:26 -0800)
> - but I have not seen a solution. I have tried my own data, the
> spearfish60 example data, and the example in Neteler and Mitasova's
> book.
> The new data columns are apparently defined as 1 character long, and the
> data become truncated accordingly, much against my intention. I use
> mysql.
> Can anyone point out a solution? I copy a session with the spearfish60
> data below.

Hi Jon!

Not a direct solution but an alternative: Is mysql a requirement? What about 
using sqlite? I think I have never seen this problem while using/ playing 
around with sqlite.



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