[GRASS-user] List of illegal characters for filenames

Glynn Clements glynn at gclements.plus.com
Mon Oct 25 11:07:48 EDT 2010

Franz Schiller wrote:

> I want to know if there is a GRASS GIS wiki with a list of illegal
> characters to be used in raster/vector names?
> Is there?

For rasters, the restrictions can be found in the source code for


Specifically, any of the characters:

	/ " \ ' @ , = *

plus space (32), DEL (127), control characters (0-31) and 8-bit
characters (128-255).

Furthermore, the characters:

	\ / : * ? " < > |

aren't allowed in filenames on Windows, so you can't use those if you
want portability.

The same restrictions apply to names of locations and mapsets.

Currently, vector map names must be valid as an SQL table name,
meaning that it can only contain letters, digits and underscore, and
may not be an SQL keyword.

Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com>

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