[GRASS-user] Database question

Rich Shepard rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Mon Oct 25 13:30:47 EDT 2010

On Mon, 25 Oct 2010, Adam Dershowitz, Ph.D., P.E. wrote:

> Now if I do db.connect -p I see the correct path, but if I try to access a
> vector that uses that database I get an error "No such table". If I move
> the file back to the old location then the error goes away, even if I
> don't use db.connect to point to the other location.  So, I am just
> missing something about how to have grass know the correct location of a
> database. If I just move the file, how can I get the vector map to "know"
> the correct file to use, since db.connect is not doing the job?


   I doubt that the confusion is within the sqlite3 database. To confirm
that, you could dump all data to a .sql file, create a new database in your
project directory, then read in the sql file to re-create the database

   If you look in your project's PERMANENT directory you'll find a
subdirectory for the database; there's probably something in there that's
pointing in the old location and you can edit the file to point it in the
proper location.


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