[GRASS-user] Crossroad analysis

Maris Nartiss maris.gis at gmail.com
Wed Sep 1 01:06:05 EDT 2010

I have no idea how to do it with current GRASS tools. If nobody else
comes up with easy solution, I just wrote small Python based tool
(ctypes FTW!), that rearranges multiline segments to be incremental.
It also includes check for possible crossections. It could be adapted
to do what You need, still then You need to clarify what kind of
properties (attributes/geometry) are required to include line
intersection node to Your result set. Will any node with 4 outgoing
lines be fine?


2010/8/31, Jonathan Piraux <jopiraux at ulb.ac.be>:
> Hello,
> I would like to calculate the number of crossroad with 4 way
> intersection. With Arcview it is possible with the tool
> Calculate Fnode Tnode 1.1
> May it be possible with grass
> Thanks
> Jonathan
> --
> Jonathan Piraux
> 410 Chaussée d'Alsemberg
> 1180 Brussels Belgium
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