[GRASS-user] MDOW relief shading in GRASS
maning sambale
emmanuel.sambale at gmail.com
Wed Sep 29 23:55:53 EDT 2010
I am revisiting a previous script I made in producing
"Multidirectional, oblique-weighted, shaded-relief". ArcGis has this
The commads in ARC 6.0.1 GRID by Rober Mark (USGS) are as follows:
shade225 = hillshade(hawaii, 225, 30, shade, 5)
shade270 = hillshade(hawaii, 270, 30, shade, 5)
shade315 = hillshade(hawaii, 315, 30, shade, 5)
shade360 = hillshade(hawaii, 360, 30, shade, 5)
h00 = resample(hawaii, 1000)
h01 = focalmean(h00)
h02 = focalmean(h01)
h03 = focalmean(h02)
asp = aspect(h03)
asp1 = con(isnull(asp), 293, asp)
w225 = sqr(sin((asp1 - 225) div deg ))
w270 = sqr(sin((asp1 - 270) div deg))
w315 = sqr(sin((asp1 - 315) div deg ))
w360 = sqr(sin(asp1 div deg ))
setcell minof
temp = w225 * shade225 + w270 * shade270 + w315 *
shade315 + w360 * shade360
shade4 = int(temp div 2)
I tried porting in GRASS shell:
g.region rast=$GIS_OPT_input -p
# Compute hillshade at azimuth 225, 270, 315 and 360 at 30 degrees sun
illumination angle
r.shaded.relief map=$GIS_OPT_input shadedmap=shade225 altitude=30
azimuth=225 zmult=1 scale=1
r.shaded.relief map=$GIS_OPT_input shadedmap=shade270 altitude=30
azimuth=270 zmult=1 scale=1
r.shaded.relief map=$GIS_OPT_input shadedmap=shade315 altitude=30
azimuth=315 zmult=1 scale=1
r.shaded.relief map=$GIS_OPT_input shadedmap=shade360 altitude=30
azimuth=360 zmult=1 scale=1
# Resample DEM map
r.neighbors in=$GIS_OPT_input out=res1 method=average size="$GIS_OPT_window"
# compute aspect map
r.slope.aspect elevation=res1 format=degrees prec=float aspect=aspect
zfactor=1.0 min_slp_allowed=0.0
# compute weights 225, 270, 315 and 360
r.mapcalc "w225 = sin((aspect - 225)*sin(aspect - 225))"
r.mapcalc "w270 = sin((aspect - 270)*sin(aspect - 270))"
r.mapcalc "w315 = sin((aspect - 315)*sin(aspect - 315))"
r.mapcalc "w360 = sin((aspect)*sin(aspect))"
#compute weighted
r.mapcalc "weightedshade = (((w225 * shade225) + (w270 * shade270) +
(w315 * shade315) + (w360 * shade360))/2)"
r.colors map=weightedshade color=grey
But I get not so good results, here's the output using nc_sp_08's
elev_ned_30m (X0=MDOW, X1= default r.shaded.relief module)
Anything wrong with my commands?
"Freedom is still the most radical idea of all" -N.Branden
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